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Welcome to QMA - 50 Years Young!
QMA 50th Anniversary Magazine
And Not Just Us - AMA 50th Anniversary Magazine

Queensland Masters Athletics Association (QMA) promotes fitness, fun and friendship through a range of athletic activities for everyone, from beginner to age group elite standard. Membership starts from 30 years through to 100+.


Competition is conducted in 5 year age divisions, .e.g. M40-44, W55-59. The association currently has around 400 members from all walks of life, all levels of ability and all parts of Queensland and northern New South Wales.


Thinking about joining in, but not sure? We welcome visitors to come along to the track and just get a feel for what's going on, or have a go at competition. All are welcome - check the Brisbane Calendar or Gold Coast Calendar for details. If you're not in the South East check out your Local Athletics Club - you'll be welcome to join in there too. And don't forget organized Training Groups for sprinters and distance runners - work at your own pace, all welcome.           




Click Here to watch the video  of our Queensland Masters athletes in action at home and abroad

2024 QMA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

When: Saturday 20th July, 10 am

Where: Track and Field Room, QSAC Building


Please note that the current President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are stepping down and not seeking re-election.

There are no current nominations for the roles of Secretary and Treasurer. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the meeting. These positions MUST be filled if QMA is to continue to be able to provide services for members.


2024 AGM Notice

AGM Agenda

AGM Nominations

Previous AGM Minutes


Audited Financial Statements

Auditors Report to Management


Bios for the nominees for President:


Joe Begley's Bio

Nick MacMillan's Video Bio


If unable to attend the meeting, please use the forms below to appoint a proxy or vote for office bearers:


Proxy Form

​Postal Vote Form


Email to the QMA Secretary at ​​ by 17th July 2024.


2023-24 Half-Year Membership Information



For those participating in the Winter Road Running and Cross Country events. Check the Out of Stadia Page for event and entry details.


Check the QMA Membership Page for full membership information.

Group Training - It's For Everyone!

A great way to get involved in Masters Athletics:


  • Meet the Coaches

  • Come to a training day

  • Learn new skills

  • Get fit and healthy

  • Make new friends

  • If you want, pathways from local competition to State, Nationals and World Championships


Group Training Options



Gorillas in the mist? No - QMA sprint training group at QSAC Main Track!

Volunteering at the Track

Brisbane Volunteering Registration


We see them every week - the dedicated handful of volunteers who ensure we have well run track and field masters competitions, in all weathers. We salute you!


But they can't do it alone (or forever) - every competitor (or friend) is urged to put up their hand to help with an event or competition when they can. Volunteers are particularly needed on days when Championship events are on the program.


In Brisbane, you can volunteer to assist on one event on a day when you register to compete. Brisbane members now also have the opportunity to volunteer for a specific day during the rest of the season, and specify what area they prefer - click the link above.

Starting the Sprints.jpg
Reading the Wind Gauge.jpg
Controlling the Long Jump.jpg

Safety at the Track

A reminder to all track and field competitors that the safety of yourself and others is paramount.


What does this mean in practice? Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Before crossing the track always check if there is an event in progress. Never cross the infield when a competition is on, walk around the outside of the track to get where you're going.


Stay Safe - protect yourself and others.

What's On at QMA -
Around the Regions




Winter Track and Field Competition, Coaching and Training


Brisbane Calendar


Road Running & Cross Country


Out of Stadia Calendar


Gold Coast & Southern


Competition, Coaching and Training


Gold Coast Calendar


Sunshine Coast & Northern


USCAC Winter Track and Field Carnival - 6th & 7th July






North Queensland


2024 ANQ Membership Now Open - find your Local Club.


NQ Championships 27-29        September 2024

anq website-logo-01.png

Check the  Online Store for QMA tops for competition.


Please contact the Uniform Coordinator for further information.

QMA Forum
Got a question about
masters athletics?

Crowd-source the solution in our new Forum , or share your knowledge with others. Log in to make a post.
Looking to buy, sell or donate something masters related? You can do that here too.

It's You Against The World!


Not really - but who doesn't have a sneaky desire to see how they stand against others in their country, region or globally. Well you can - all members of Australian Master Athletics affiliated state organizations (including QMA)  have access to the World Masters Rankings site.


Login or Register to access all the current years rankings.

 Latest QMA E-NEWS


(National Short Course Cross Country)


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