How to Claim Records
World, Australian and Queensland Records for Track Events up to and including 800 Metres, are not allowed unless Electronic Timing is used. For all events longer than 2000 metres, the Competitor is required to have a Lap Scorer to claim a record. Lap scoring sheets are to be handed in.
Hand Timing:
Competitors who think they may break a track record in events longer than 800 metres, should ask the Head Timekeeper to have three watches on their Run or Walk. The three times are to be noted on the Result Sheet with the middle time rounded up to a tenth of a second and listed as the result.
Three watches are not required for Electronically Timed Events (Except as back-up watches in case of a malfunction). For Sprints and Long and Triple Jumps, a Wind Gauge is required.
For Throws and Jumps, a Steel Tape for World and Australian Records is necessary.
Queensland, Australian and World Records set in QMA Competition or any other Official Competition which is attended by the Statistician will be noted and recorded. A Member may set a Masters Record (consistent with the above conditions) during any other QMA Recognised Competition such as Queensland Athletics competition, Non Stadia Events or any Competition where the Statistician is not in attendance, which is conducted by Registered Officials. This also applies to Interstate Open Athletics and Masters events. Forms for Records are not required if records are set at Australian, World or Oceania Championships.
If there is a possibility of a Queensland, Australian or World Record being broken, ask the Statistician for the Official Forms to keep on hand. All details must be filled in and relevant signatures obtained. Also required are: a Photocopy of the Result signed by Officials and a Copy of the Lapscoring Sheet for Distance Events.
Required for World Records:
A Copy of Birth Certificate/Extract or Passport (for first World Record), Result signed by Officials, Lap Scoring Sheet and a Photo-finish Print, which includes results of a Zero Tolerance test on the equipment.
Records for All Events will not be allowed unless the above conditions are met.
Return the Forms and Attachments to the QMA Statistician as soon as possible when all details have been completed.
QMA Record Certificates have space for multiple listing of records, and will be available at the beginning of the new Season (Sept/Oct) If needed earlier, Athletes should get in touch with the State Statistician. Australian Record Certificates are sent to the State Statistician for distribution.
State Statistician:
Jim Quabba
Email: statistician@qldmastersathletics.org.au