President Nick MacMillan president@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Vice President Irene Davey vicepresident@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Secretary Blake Frost secretary@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Treasurer Jim Quabba treasurer@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Team Members
Committee Roz Kirwin
Committee Bruce Bodsworth
Committee Dieter Lacko
Committee Rob Lasker
Regional Representatives
Brisbane John Milne brisbanerep@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Gold Coast Leanne Nelson goldcoastrep@qldmastersathletics.org.au
North Qld Rebecca Austin northqldrep@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Miscellaneous Roles
Registrar (Acting) Irene Davey registrar@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Statistician Jim Quabba statistician@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Webmaster Robert Lasker webmaster@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Uniforms Karen Lakin uniforms@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Out of Stadia Peta Dunne (X Country) crosscountry@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Kyoko Miura (Road Running) roadrunning@qldmastersathletics.org.au
Member Protection Officers
Queensland Masters Athletics Association Inc. (QMA) is committed to providing an environment where competition and other activities are free of discrimination or harassment in any form.
To this end we have appointed several experienced members to handle issues which may arise.
Should the actions of any member or official of QMA cause you concern please contact one of the people below in the first instance:
Don Quinn Email Don
Wilma Perkins Email Wilma
Lorraine Birtwell Email Lorraine
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Queensland Masters Athletics Association Incorporated was held on Saturday 20 July 2024.
Business conducted at the Meeting:
Reports including the Association's financial statement and audit report were accepted.
Election of Officers and members of Management Committee were held and members appointed as follows:
President Nick MacMillan
Vice President Irene Davey
Secretary Blake Frost
Treasurer Jim Quabba
Members Roz Kirwin, Bruce Bodsworth, Dieter Lacko, Rob Lasker
QMA fees for ordinary members for the 2024-2025 season have been approved to remain at the present amount ($53) but the final fee payable will be dependent on the QA Base membership fee.
Irene Davey was awarded Life Membership of QMA for her tireless contributions to the Association over a long period.
Other reports to follow
For more information on any of the above, please contact: secretary@qldmastersathletics.org.au